Suspended decor

There are so many things you could string up to create a one of a kind feel in your wedding. I personally cannot get enough of the hanging decor. What a way to give off a romantic vibe or display your colors and or theme. Check out a few of the endless amounts of options!

What's Happening at the Boutique?

This weekend flew by, mostly because I was cranking out bridal shower invitation like a factory. I am excited for this week which will be filled with more invitations, quotes for a new bride and finishing up the details for next months wedding. This morning I am meeting with the lovely Christine Taylor to finalize a brides timeline and brainstorm about our upcoming photo shoot. I am so excite for that is in store for Bustle in the next few months. Have a great week all you planning brides!!!


  1. love the mason jars with lights and the last picture. so romantic.

  2. it seems like suspended decor is becoming a popular things. it really makes for a romantic setting.


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