So, this morning I was doing my daily blog reading and I came across the coolest thing. First of all Elegance & Simplicity is an amazing read, you must check it out.

Then there is Marry Me Live. Marry Me Live is a website that offers live streaming video of your wedding for those who could not make it. I just love the idea of being able to attend a wedding with out actually have to fly across the country. Check out their website for more details.

One more of my favorite sites is Daily Candy which now has dedicated a whole section of their site to weddings. If you sign up on their site they will email you daily with fab deals.
What's Happening at the Boutique?
This week is a busy one again. Today I am weeding through my inbox trying to respond to all emails. I am also reworking my event packages and pricing. I have a few sample to finish. Then I am off to the flower mart to renew my badge and pick up some floral for my daughters 1st birthday this weekend!! I hope everyone has a great Monday!
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